If you are funding yourself

Mediation is quicker and cheaper than either negotiating via solicitors or going to court. A lot of information can be exchanged in the course of a meeting and misunderstandings can be quickly cleared up.

Our fee structure is based very simply on how many meetings you have. There are no hidden costs, so all paperwork that is produced for you is included in the charge for the meeting, and there are no additional VAT charges. Please see the table below for more detail.

Please note that if you wish to use mediation to resolve issues to do with children, your mediator can apply with both participants' consent to the Family Mediation Voucher scheme for a one-time only voucher worth £500 per family to help with the cost of joint meetings.

Mediation Information and Assessment
Meeting (MIAM)
£95 per person
45-60 minutes
Property and Finance meetings£250 per person for first meeting
£160 per person for each subsequent meeting
1 hour and 30 mins
All Issues meetings (i.e. including property,
finance and children's issues)
£250 per person for first meeting
£160 per person for each subsequent meeting
1 hour and 30 mins
Arrangements for Children£125 per person for each meeting1 hour and 30 mins

In cases involving property and finance disputes, the higher rate for the first meeting covers the additional administrative cost involved in documenting property and finance matters.